How Diamond Heads began

Diamond Heads was invented by Keith Brinton/Owner and Creator of the world famous Diamond Heads. Keith was doing some engine work to his 1992 FXRS Harley-Davidson. He thought while the engine is apart to do the big bore kit he should do something to dress-up the look of the engine. He thought he would polish the edges of the cooling fins. That has long been the best way to make your motor look better, but he also knew that if he polished the fins they would require a lot of up keep. Keith thought there has to be a better way. After several days of experimenting and testing he found it Diamond Heads was discovered. What he did was invent the only cooling system in the world that will enhance the look of your bike while helping it to run cooler. The Diamond Heads look is created by making hundreds of cuts in the outer edge of the cooling fins these cuts do two things they make the motor look fantastic because the cuts are placed at the perfect angle to reflect light. It is that reflection of light that makes them sparkle and shine. Secondly they make the engine run cooler that is created by adding more surface area to the cooling fins but more importantly those cuts create turbulence as you ride that turbulence forces more air in on the cylinder walls. The Diamond Heads look and cooling effect will last for the life of your bike and then some.  Diamond Heads has been tested by engineers and have been found to cool approximately 12% faster than stock.

 Diamond Heads is truly THE KING OF BLING.

The original Diamond Heads bike 1992 Harley Davidson FXRS.